Science communication
- Interview in the Newspaper “Badische Zeitung” on invasive ants (in German)
- Interview about ants and reasearch in general on the UniCross platform (in German)
- Interview in the Newspaper “Badische Zeitung” regarding the use of the word “Rasse” (race) in the German Basic Law (in German)
- In October 2017 I hosted @realsci_de for a week, a German twitter account (similar to @realscientists) aimed at presenting real science to the German-speaking Twittersphere.
- An article about social insect communication in a Danish magazine for biology teachers: Nehring V. (2011): Kommunikation hos sociale insekter. Kaskelot 187: 8-11.
Media coverage
- Ants hold a grudge
- Wingless warrior queens in the media III
- Wingless warrior queens in the media II
- Wingless warrior queens in the media
- Forbes: Friends And Foes, At Home and Off-Shore
- Friend or foe? Just follow your nose!
- Berlinske Tidene: Kend fjenden på duften
Press releases
- Ants hold a grudge
- Amazon-like female warriors protect societies of farming ants
- Social insect sisters smell alike
de Roode, J.C.; Lefèvre, T. Behavioral Immunity in Insects. Insects 2012, 3, 789-820.
de Fine Licht, H. H. (2011): Elevaktivitet: Aggression hos myrer. Kaskelot 187: 18.[:de]