Ants hold a grudge

January 10, 2025

Ants are often particularly aggressive against their neighbors – researchers call the the “nasty neighbor effect”. Our study lead by Melanie Bey shows that this can happen because ants remember the colonies they have been attacked by – and will later be more aggressive against them. This means that associative learning of colony odours, with

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Wingless warrior queens in the media III

October 1, 2012

The Acromyrmex queens made it to Austria, and some more newspapers printed articles: Failed young queens must labour as lowly commoners, New Scientist 19.9.2012, issue 2883 p. 14 Neuanfang für Ameisen, Welt am Sonntag, 23.9.2012 (German) Ab in die Produktion, Junge Welt vom 27.9.2012, page 15 (German) Königinnen können notgedrungen zu Kriegerinnen werden, Der,

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Wingless warrior queens in the media II

September 18, 2012

There are still some people picking up our story on wingless Acromyrmex queens. First of all, Mischa Dijkstra wrote a nice little highlight in his blog. Then an article has been printed on the Science pages of the newspaper Darmstädter Echo (German). And further there is a bunch of articles in all kinds of languages,

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Wingless warrior queens in the media

September 14, 2012

Our article on wingless virgin queens that defend their colonies received quite some attention by the media, in particular in Germany. Among the english language websites that covered the story were The New Scientist and Science Daily: The New Scientist: Spinster queens become commoners Science Daily:Princesses Become Warriors: Young Queens of Leafcutter Ants Change Roles

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